Where is the information in data?

An interactive tutorial about decomposing variation into distinctions worth making

By Kieran Murphy and Dani S. Bassett
July 2024

Imagine someone asks you, Where is the information about whether something is a car or a truck?

Photos from unsplash.com: car, truck

It might be an unusual phrasing, but you’d probably understand what they meant. You might mention the overall size or something about the rear, because you understand that there is specific variation among vehicles that best distinguishes cars from trucks whereas other variation is less relevant (e.g., the color).

The goal of this post is to build intuition around localizing information, something we naturally do to make sense of the world, and show how it can be formulated with machine learning as a route to interpretability. The long and short (TL;DR) is that we can view the information in data as composed of specific distinctions worth making, in that these distinctions tell us the most about some other quantity we care about.

This post presents a different take on mutual information than typical intros to information theory. Rather than talking about the mutual information between two variables as something fixed in stone, we will introduce auxiliary variables that encapsulate some variation in a variable and forget about (i.e., compress away) the rest. The auxiliary variables can be thought of as messages sent by one party who observes the original “source” variable to another party who will use the information to predict a “target” variable.

Source variable: the car.
Auxiliary variable: message about the car’s color.

All other details about the car
have been left out of the message.

Photo: GPT-4o

Communicating information

Let’s work through some simple examples to build intuition. You’ve been transported back in time to the days of the telegraph and tasked with setting up a storm communication system with neighboring towns. A town sends a binary signal to tell about their weather conditions locally, using a voltage of 1-1 for calm weather and +1+1 for stormy weather.

Calm weather: 1V-1\text{V}
Stormy weather: +1V+1\text{V}

Photo: GPT-4o

The weather in a neighboring town (Town 1) happens to be completely unpredictable from one hour to the next, and it’s calm half the time, stormy the other half of the time. That town’s weather will be one of our “source” random variables, which we’ll call X1X_1. It has two equally probable outcomes (calm or stormy), so X1X_1 has one bit of uncertainty (aka entropy).

The message your town receives from the telegraph line will be our auxiliary random variable—call it U1U_1. The mutual information between the two, I(X1;U1)I(X_1;U_1), is the amount of information transmitted per message—it’s the amount that receiving a message reduces your uncertainty about Town 1’s weather. The more money you spend on the telegraph line, the lower the noise in the line and more distinguishable are the two messages.

Why is the transmitted information lower when the noise increases? As the distributions p(u1x1=calm)p(u_1|x_1=\text{calm}) and p(u1x1=stormy)p(u_1|x_1=\text{stormy}) overlap, there’s a growing chance of receiving a low voltage signal (i.e., around 0V0\text{V}), in which case you remain uncertain about whether the original signal was 1V-1\text{V} or +1V+1\text{V} even after receiving the message. The transmitted information can at most reduce your uncertainty by one bit because that is the amount of uncertainty you have before receiving any message, so as the chance of receiving ambiguous messages grows, the transmitted information necessarily drops.

Information from multiple sources

Now let’s say there are two neighboring towns (1 and 2) with which to build telegraph lines, and you have a fixed budget for the whole project. How much money should you allocate for each line?

Due to the surrounding landscape, the weather is not trivially related between their towns and yours.
A dataset has been collected (using the random variable YY to describe the weather in your town), shown below in terms of the conditional distributions p(y=stormyx1,x2)p(y=\text{stormy} |x_\text{1}, x_\text{2}).

The data tell us, for example, that if it’s stormy in Town 1 and it’s stormy in Town 2 (lower right square), then there is a 90% chance that it will storm in your town. The weather in Town 1 is slightly more correlated with your own town’s weather than that of Town 2, though not by much.

To get the most value out of the telegraph lines, we need to localize the information contained in the sources X1X_1 and X2X_2 about the target YY. In order to do that, we’ll look at all the possible ways to communicate information about the sources—in effect, simulating every possible budget allocation.

Each dot in the plot above represents a different information allocation between the two towns, and each one lowers your error in predicting YY (your town’s weather) a different amount. In the top left, you don’t receive any information from the other towns and your error is maximal. In the bottom right, you receive one bit of information from each town, and the error is as low as you can go. The gap (the best possible reduction in error) is the mutual information between sources and target I(X1,X2;Y)I(X_1,X_2;Y).

What we’ve done is laid out all the ways to select variation from the source variables. Localizing the information that the sources contain about the target means identifying the variation that lowers the error the most. The most informative variation lies along the Pareto front—the curve of allocations that lower the error most for a given amount spent on the telegraph lines. Let’s display these optimal information allocations by clicking the button below.

Display optimal information allocations

The right vertical axis now displays the optimal amount of information to receive from each town. If your budget only allows for one total bit of transmitted information, it’s best to get about 0.7 bits from Town 1 and 0.3 bits from Town 2. Phrased more generally, given the statistical relationship observed in the dataset, we’ve found a spectrum of the most informative variation in X1X_1 and X2X_2 about YY.

Let’s change the statistical relationship between the towns’ weather. Adjust the sliders or click on the buttons below, and watch for changes in the optimal information allocations.

When mirroring Town 1’s weather (Mirror1), we see that there is no useful information in Town 2 as it does nothing to reduce our predictive error (and vice versa for Mirror2).

The logical relationships (e.g., AND means that it is only stormy in your town if both Town 1 and Town 2 are storming, while XOR means your town storms only if the other two towns have different weather), though unrealistic for weather, represent commonly studied statistical relationships between variables. We can see that relevant information is evenly shared between the towns because the optimal allocation is an equal split.

Whereas a typical information theory treatment of this scenario might have looked at I(X1;Y)I(X_1;Y), I(X2;Y)I(X_2;Y), and I(X1,X2;Y)I(X_1,X_2;Y), we explored the space of partial information allocations by introducing the auxiliary variables U1U_1 and U2U_2. We searched through all possible ways to extract some variation from each source random variable to identify the spectrum of variation that is most predictive of the target. This is how we localize the information in the sources about the target.

Searching through the sea of variation with machine learning

Having proven yourself with the storm warning system, you’ve been tasked with building another communication system. Your town has a hospital, and towns 1 and 2 contain specialized testing devices that your hospital regularly needs. A blood sample is sent off to Town 1, and their device measures one of four equally likely results (A, B, C, or D); another sample is sent to Town 2 and its device can also output one of four equally likely results (a, b, c, or d). The results from towns 1 and 2 determine which of two treatment plans to follow.

The space of partial information allocations grows rapidly: it’s already impractical to chart out all possibilities in this scenario. We are only interested in the Pareto front—the specific variation that maximizes predictive power while minimizing the total information extracted from the source variables. Can we tackle this optimization problem with machine learning?

Above is a schematic of the setup, where each trapezoid is a neural network. We’ll encode the input X1X_1 to an embedding space that will house our auxiliary variable U1U_1, and similarly for X2X_2 to U2U_2. Just like the messages on the receiving end of the telegraph line, the variables U1U_1 and U2U_2 will have pulled some information out of the inputs and discarded the rest; they will then be used by another neural network to predict the target variable, YY (which of the treatment plans to follow).

In order to be able to track of the amount of transmitted information, we’ll use a probabilistic encoder for each of X1X_1 and X2X_2, meaning that each input xx will be transformed into a probability distribution p(ux)p(u|x) in embedding space. There’s a way to keep track of the transmitted information, I(X1;U1)I(X_1;U_1), with some nice properties for optimization: the information is upper bounded by the average Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence between the embedding distributions and some arbitrary but convenient reference distribution. In the language of variational autoencoders, the embedding distributions are called posteriors and the reference distribution is called the prior.

Below is a possible embedding space for U1U_1, where the four test results for X1X_1 have been embedded to four distributions that might remind you of the received telegraph messages from earlier in this post. The reference distribution is colored grey. The mean of the distribution for result A can be moved around with the slider.

While the optimization loss cares about how much information is transmitted by U1U_1, we care about what information was transmitted. The degrees of distinction between every pair of inputs show us the transmitted information. We use a matrix to display the distinguishability between every pair of inputs. With white for complete indistinguishability and dark blue for perfect distinguishability, notice how the distinguishability between C and D is low because the distributions overlap significantly. As you move the embedding for A, watch how the distinguishability changes based on the overlap with other embeddings.

Finally, note how the KL loss is minimized when A maximally overlaps with the reference distribution (the prior). The smallest value possible, zero, occurs when all embedding distributions become equal to the reference. We can think of the KL loss as pushing all embeddings inward to the reference distribution, at which point all inputs are indistinguishable and no information is transmitted.

Back to the full two-town setup, let’s train a model in your browser and gradually raise the cost of information in order to traverse the Pareto front. Below is the ground truth relationship between test results and treatment plan (green = treatment plan 1, orange = treatment plan 2), which you can modify by toggling the tiles directly or by selecting one of the buttons.

Below we show several aspects of the training process: the reconstruction given the information allocation, the optimized Pareto front, and the information content of the latent spaces.

The trajectory of information allocations versus error is greyed out during the first stage of training, where the relationship between X1X_1, X2X_2, and YY is learned with low information cost, and becomes full color during the second, where information is actively being eroded.

Underneath the information plane are the one dimensional embedding spaces corresponding to U1U_1 and U2U_2. The colored Gaussians are the embedding distributions (posteriors) for the specific test outcomes, while the gray Gaussian is the reference (prior). To the right are distinguishability matrices. The distinctions that are communicated by the auxiliary variables are the atoms of the relevant information in the sources.

Try different ground truth relationships above, and watch how the information relevant to YY manifests in the embedding spaces and the distinguishability matrices. For the Half pattern, test results A and B collapse, as do C and D; everything collapses for X2X_2. If we compute the mutual information I(X1;Y)=1 bitI(X_1;Y)=1 \ \text{bit}, we know how much information is shared between the test results from Town 1 and the treatment plan. With the optimization, however, we see what the information is: the distinction between test results {A or B} and {C or D} is the one bit from Town 1 of relevance to YY. The other bit of entropy in X1X_1 is irrelevant.

For the Preset pattern, we can see an approximation to the relationship between the test results and the treatment plan. Information about X2X_2 drops to zero, at which point the reconstructed board shows only vertical stripes. Alongside the spectrum of information allocations are different levels of approximations to the relationship between the sources and the target YY.

By sweeping the cost of information from the source variables, we used machine learning to search through partial information allocations. This allowed us to “point” to where the information about YY is contained in the source variables X1X_1 and X2X_2 in terms of distinctions between their outcomes.

Where is the information in the bikeshare dataset?

We’ve focused on small-scale examples so that we could visualize as much as possible. Let’s move on to a real world dataset, a classic for evaluating interpretable machine learning methods.

Bikeshare is a dataset containing hourly bike rentals in Washington, D.C. in 2011 and 2012, combined with a handful of weather descriptors at each point in time. The goal is to predict the number of bikes rented given time and weather information, and to shed light on the learned relationship.

Photo: GPT-4o

Our source variables XiX_i are the time and weather descriptors. Some, like temperature and humidity, are continuous variables. Others are categorical, including the season and the hour of the day. We want to identify—out of all of the variation in these descriptors—the specific bits that are most connected with bike rentals. Where do you think the information resides?

We ran the optimization offline, but you can also run it yourself with the code on github.

The optimal information allocations are shown above, and there’s a lot to note.

The hour feature is by far the most important, which is fairly intuitive. The dataset includes rentals in the middle of the night, which must be very different than in the middle of the day.

temperature is important and contributes a growing share as the total information increases. By contrast, year and working day? contribute their partial bit early and then saturate.

wind and apparent temperature contribute almost nothing, with the latter presumably because we’ve already gotten information from the temperature feature.

For reference, interpretable methods that are based on linear combinations of the features (e.g., Neural Additive Models) achieve RMSEs around 100. For a fully nonlinear processing of the features, we need only 7 bits of information to do better. We don’t mind that the predictive model is a black box: our source of interpretability is the localization of information in the features.

What are the specific bits of variation in the different features? Below are distinguishability matrices for the twelve features as a function of the total information extracted. The matrices visualize the distinctions between feature values that are passed along to the predictive model—as in the earlier example—and are agnostic to the dimensionality of the embedding space (16 for each feature, in this case). The matrix entries are white if the feature values are indistinguishable (same as when the posterior distributions coincided in the above example) and blue depending on the degree of distinguishability.

The auxiliary variables select the distinctions among feature values that are worth communicating to the predictive model. The single most relevant bit in all the features resides in the hour feature and roughly groups the hours of the day into nighttime, commuting hours, and everything else.

The most relevant four bits include further refined hour information to distinguish between the morning and evening commutes, the year, whether it’s a workday, and a rough categorization of temperature as hotter or colder than around 15C.

Given the full spectrum of relevant bits, we can gradually widen our focus, starting with the simplest relationship and working toward using all of the variation in the source variables.


Often it is an abundance of variation that impedes our understanding of a complex system. We don’t know where to focus, long before caring about the nature of the functional relationship between observables. This post has presented a possible route forward: identify the most relevant variation and leave the functional relationship as a black box. Rather than asking how much mutual information there is between different sets of variables, the perspective changes to what is the mutual information? What are the specific distinctions that constitute the shared information?

Auxiliary variables serve a valuable purpose to this end: they control what specific variation to transmit and what to ignore. Posed as an optimization problem, the selection of relevant variation is well-suited for machine learning—requiring nothing more exotic than the front end of a variational autoencoder—and can be a practical route to interpretability.

If you’d like to learn more, consider checking out our papers on the topic:

Interpretability with full complexity by constraining feature information (ICLR 2023)

Information decomposition in complex systems via machine learning (PNAS 2024)

If you have any feedback or thoughts, we’d love to hear them! Please email kieranm@seas.upenn.edu.

We thank Sam Dillavou, Xiaohuan Xia, Thomas Varley, and Artemy Kolchinsky for feedback on this post.


Two great ones to check out are this classic by Christopher Olah and 3blue1brown’s video about wordle.

If you’re familiar with the information bottleneck, that’s what we’re talking about except there will generally be more than one source variable.

i.e., forecasting won’t help you.

Entropy is just a way to quantify how much uncertainty a probability distribution describes. Formally, with XX a random variable and p(x)p(x) the probability distribution over its outcomes, the entropy is the expected log probability value for any outcome, H(X)=Exp(x)[log p(x)]H(X)=\mathbb{E}_{x\sim p(x)} [- \log \ p(x)].

Mutual information quantifies how much shared entropy there is in two random variables. It can be helpful to think of mutual information as a generalization of correlation, where instead of measuring the degree to which a linear function of one variable can describe the other, mutual information measures the best that any function of one variable can describe the other. Say XX and YY are two random variables, the mutual information between them is I(X;Y)=H(X)H(XY)=H(Y)H(YX)I(X;Y)=H(X)-H(X|Y)=H(Y)-H(Y|X).

That is, the probability distribution of messages u1u_1 you might receive given that the weather in Town 1 was calm.

Town 2’s weather is, oddly enough, completely independent of Town 1’s weather. It’s also a 50/50 split between calm and stormy.

The vertical axis could have displayed the mutual information I(U1,U2;Y)I(U_1,U_2;Y) instead of cross entropy error BCE=H(Y)I(U1,U2;Y)BCE=H(Y)-I(U_1,U_2;Y) so that all quantities are mutual information terms. However, later we’ll want to use other errors like RMSE, so we opted for consistency in terms of the error reducing as more information is gathered from the sources.

This convenient relationship between the gap and the mutual information is only because we are using cross entropy as our error.

The space of information allocations can be seen as the space of lossy compressions of the source variables.

Just the front end of a variational autoencoder (VAE).

This way of restricting information is more general than VAEs; see Alemi et al. on the variational information bottleneck.

Specifically, we use the Bhattacharyya coefficient between the embedding distributions, which is 1 when they perfectly overlap (white) and 0 when they have no overlap (dark blue). Like the relevant KL divergence terms, the Bhattacharyya coefficient is straightforward to compute when everything is a Gaussian.

The models are lightweight and the learning rate is high, so the model will occasionally fail to fit the simple distribution. If things look funny, just try training again.

Click the squares to toggle their values.


Elements of Information Theory Cover, T. & Thomas, J. (1991). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

The information bottleneck method Tishby, N., Pereira, F. C., & Bialek, W. arXiv preprint physics/0004057 (2000).

Auto-encoding variational Bayes Kingma, D. & Welling, M. arXiv preprint arXiv:1312.6114 (2013).

Deep variational information bottleneck Alemi, A. A., Fischer, I., Dillon, J. V., Murphy, K. (ICLR 2017).

UCI machine learning repository Dua, D., & Graff, C. (2017).

Neural additive models: Interpretable machine learning with neural nets Agarwal, R., Melnick, L., Frosst, N., Zhang, X., Lengerich, B., Caruana, R., & Hinton, G. (NeurIPS 2021).